Monday, September 10, 2012

Module 6: Transforming Learning

This module began with an article about how the iPad can be considered as a transformative device. It talked about the ipad being integrated into learning rather than being an add-on - so something that enhances learning and creates a worthwhile experience  at a range of apps for use in the classroom: I likedthing that actually

Maths apps: Wishball helps develop knowledge of place value to reach a target number. A challenging game for upper primary.

Operation Maths requires the player to solve simple equations to complete different stages of a mission. I thought the equations were easier than the instructions for playing the game!

Science apps: mostly too advanced for primary students and probably more suited to high school students.

Looking at using the iPad and its inbuilt camera - I discovered that when you take a screenshot it goes straight into your album. You can edit it in various ways. Skitch is a very versatile app that has lots of possibilities for all levels of primary. With Skitch you can import any photo from your album - or a screenshot -  and you can label it - you can add text, arrows, or drawings. Yr 2 chn would be quite capable of labelling a simple picture - say a human body - and label the parts of the body.

Bloggsy costs to download
Tumblr more suitable for sharing photos & images - good if you were travelling

Geography apps including Google Earth - too complex to integrate

All musical instruments on the iPad - don't need an orchestra - you could create a band in your classroom!

Bible apps - Glo Bible takes a long time to load - good for personal enrichment

Dual browser app allows you to split your screen and do two searches at once

Can I create Augmented Reality? Technology is being used to make things as realistic as possible

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